Term papers
Main Themes: [Please, note that I list these very broad topics as point of departure and that you must address and research a more specific theme in your paper.]
- Race in Latin America
- Social and cultural issues in Pre-Columbian civilizations
- Defining sexual roles in Latin America (it can cover any period since the pre-Columbian times to the end of the 19th Century)
- Social classes in Latin America during the Colonial Period (16th - 19th Centuries)
- Identity & Nationalisms in Latin America
- Any topic related to Latin American from Pre-Columbian times to the end of the 19th Century.
Paper format: Papers must conform to the following criteria:
- Length: 1100 - 1600 words, approximately 3 ½ y 5½ pages, if using a Times Roman 12 cpi type font.
- Typed, double spaced
- Use correct and proper rules of Spanish grammar and style
- Follow the current MLA style. Please consult the _MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers_ (2005) for information on cover pages, page numbering, documenting your sources, designing a list of work cited, etc. The Ekstrom Library Reference Center has a copy available for students perusal.
- The list of work cited and the paper itself must show that you researched the topic
(You can conduct only a maximum of 30% of your research on the Internet).
Internet Project: You have the option of designing a web site instead of writing a traditional paper. Please, contact me for more information on this matter.
1. Wednesday, Sep 24: Select a topic and notify Dr. Medina, in writing, of your selection.
2. Wednesday, Oct 23: Turn in your thesis statement, tentative title and bibliography
3. Monday, Nov 17: First draft due
4. Monday, Dec 1: Presentation draft due.